Travelling at the Speed of Innovation

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Online my first book, the story about my career as President of Altea Federation,
flowing in the “constant disruption” of our times.

ANDREA RUSCICA, President and Chief Human Resource Officer of Altea Federation

I followed the odd idea about writing a book, to tell my story, my experience living at the rhythm of innovation, with the aim to share my optimistic vision of the Human-Tech future. This powerful union in which we are protagonists is the leit motiv that links and goes across the pages on my blog, because it really fascinates me much, and makes me imagine with curiosity how life and work could be in the next future.

During these last years I read a lot, I studied and deepened different themes, to explore the outline of the Exponential Era, that is every day more visible. And that is why I now condensed my point of view, about our tomorrow and the role of technologies, in my first book, that reveals from the title the continuous becoming of a breakthrough transformation, a change humans have never lived before.

12 chapters, all opened with personal reflections and anecdotes, are written as travel notes in essay style, always proceeding in double perspective, to follow the accelerating rhythm of the technology in becoming, and to portray its consequences on our real existence.

A story between life and work, a beautiful journey travelled with the companions of the adventure, and the over 1,500 A-People of Altea Federation.

#BECOMINGTHEFUTURE is a motto to embrace the Human-Tech transformation during the path, training ourselves to perceive every disruption and to experience the power of information technology, the essential prerequisite for social and economic development.

I like sharing my inspirations or stories about business & management, by collecting ideas during my way to innovation.

Sounds good? Join this community and receive my invitation to the exclusive events of
Altea Federation.


The mantra of “Informatici Senza Frontiere” is to bridge the digital divide and ensure the most genuine way of democracy: Information. ISF is a non-profit organization based in Italy and working all over the world, as the expression of the international community moving to reduce distances, thanks to educational offers, differentiated by age and interests, with the common aim to link people and give everyone tools and knowledge to grow and develop new ideas.

Today, in the middle of the cognitive era, everybody can do its best to make change real, by getting access to the entire knowledge of humanity and contributing to enrich it with the own cultural baggage.

For this reason, I choose to support the mission of Informatici Senza Frontiere: I will donate 1 € for every download (by Amazon or other online platform through which it’s distributed).

«I like thinking that this little seed of knowledge could sprout up in new contents and educational projects, making my best to bridge the digital gap and social inequalities.»


Printed in 2,000 copies, #BECOMINGTHEFUTURE Travelling at the speed of innovation is distributed as a free e-book (in Italian and English language), to maximize both its didactic message, and to help promoting a business and innovation culture.